Dialing Code +34


Which country has the country code +34?


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Unknown or missed call with area code +34?

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International Dialing Codes

You received an unknown call with the country calling code +34?

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Others say

stenkah aus kenya,nairobi

March 2, 2020, 8:08 am

ireceived a call from this number 34902578067 who was it.

Maxwell Muchiri aus KENYA

March 1, 2020, 10:27 am

I found a missed call from this number 3490201906. Please help me find out the caller and what he wanted.

Joe Arlapen aus Mauritius

March 20, 2019, 10:07 am

34 631 802 355 is from what country and for which person...??

James G. Gorwor aus Liberia

March 7, 2019, 3:26 pm

I received a missed call from this number code 347

+34: Neighbouring Countries

Dialing Codes: All countries of the World