Dialing Code +231


Which country has the country code +231?


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Unknown or missed call with area code +231?

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International Dialing Codes

You received an unknown call with the country calling code +231?

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Others say

maaran aus india

January 18, 2021, 12:32 pm

ya 2314365608 missed call from this number middle off the day. that's scam calling. don't attend or call you back

Victor aus Israel

August 11, 2020, 7:40 pm

Received missed call from 2313721535

Alan aus Malaysia

November 25, 2019, 6:00 am

Please don't call me! 231991408623

Gok aus South Sudan

September 11, 2018, 8:22 am

I found a missed call displayed on my phone screen when I woke up. I looked at the number # 231 330 520 571 but found it weird. So I was reluctant to calling it back.
could it be a fraudful call? Did I take the right choice?

Kathleen aus Ireland

October 10, 2017, 11:39 am

I have been getting calls from 00 231 33 236 7014. I haven't answered it as it is a number I don't recognize & I believe it could be a scam.

+231: Neighbouring Countries

Dialing Codes: All countries of the World