Fiji: Country Code (Prefix/Dialing Code)


Fiji country code (prefix) or dialing code with an interactive map and travel information to explore Fiji.


Telephone calls to Fiji

The + initiates an international call, followed by the country code (here 679 for Fiji). Alternatively, in most countries (with some exceptions, for example, USA, Canada, Australia, and Russia) 00 can also be used to initiate a foreign call.

+679 ... ....... International format (recommended, always possible)
00 679 ... ....... From most European countries
011 679 ... ....... From the USA
011 679 ... ....... From Canada
0011 679 ... ....... From Australia
810 679 ... ....... From Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
119 679 ... ....... From Cuba

Travel information for Fiji



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International Dialing Codes

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Nearby Countries

Countries close to Fiji are Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Tuvalu, Norfolk Island, Solomon Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Marshall Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Dialing Codes: All countries of the World